Maharashtra Government Reintroduces Annual Exams for Standard 5 and 8, Goodbye to No Detention Policy


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 Maharashtra Government Reintroduces Annual Exams for Standard 5 and 8

Big news for Maharashtra State Board students!

Exams are now in the spotlight for classes 5 and 8.

Let's unpack these changes and see what they mean for students! 

What’s the News?

Maharashtra's state school education department has recently made changes to the Right to Education (RTE) Act, bringing about a shift in how students in classes 5 and 8 are evaluated. Aligned with the central government's guidelines, the new amendments now require annual exams for these classes, replacing the previous no-fail policy for grades 1 to 8.

Say Goodbye to No-Fail

Up until now, students from classes 1 to 8 couldn't fail. But guess what? That's changing!

Under the updated provisions, students in classes 5 and 8 now face annual examinations, saying goodbye to the earlier system that protected students from failure. The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) has carefully outlined the examination procedures, signaling a significant change from the previous no-fail policy.

Second Chances: Here's the Deal

One major change is the introduction of retention for students who don't perform well in either class. If a student struggles in the annual examination, they have a chance for a re-examination within two months. However, failing the retest means remaining in the same grade. The revised guidelines aim to ensure the completion of primary education before considering any expulsion, providing every student with a chance to progress without worrying about early academic setbacks.

Admission Criteria Tweaks

The amendments also bring changes to the admission criteria for Std. 6 to 8. While children will still be enrolled based on their age until class 5, admission to Std. 6 to 8 depends on passing the annual examination for Standard 5. Failing this examination leads to admission in class 5, following the new rule.

Why the Change? The Government Says

Ranjeet Singh Deol, the principal secretary of the school education department, clarified that these changes follow the central government's guidelines. Importantly, he emphasized that there won't be board exams for classes 5 and 8, addressing concerns about additional stress on young learners.


As Maharashtra's education system undergoes these significant changes, it's clear that the RTE Act amendments align with the evolving landscape of education in the country. While the introduction of exams and the possibility of retention may raise questions, the goal is to ensure a strong educational foundation for every student. The focus on second chances and age-appropriate admissions reflects a thoughtful approach to creating learning environments conducive to growth. Only time will reveal how these changes shape the academic journey of Maharashtra's young learners, but one thing is certain—the educational landscape is evolving, and the state is adapting to ensure a brighter future for its students.

Check out Target’s Std. 5 and Std. 8 books!


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